Sunday, July 7, 2013

Orphan Hosting~I'm Surprised You're Surprised!

I am technically blogging twice in one day given that my last post was after midnight, which has and will rarely happen! I do well to get a post in once a week. But tody I had someone ask me something I have heard several times lately and it just really surprises me. Every. Time. "Why are you doing this?", they ask. "Why am I doing what?" I reply. "Going to such great lengths to help these kids?", she replied today. "Why wouldn't I?" is usually my response. (I honestly do not say, or do these things for any personal recognition or pats on the back. I hope I never, never come across that way.)

I am honestly trying to understand why people would not want to help each other. I do understand some people do not understand, nor do they agree with "Hosting" orphans. We have been told by several people that they think it is mean to bring them here and show them the "good life" and send them back to the orphanage. Two things: these are older kids who have a less than 1% chance of ever being adopted IF they are never hosted, and a 66% chance of being adopted if hosted. Those are odds I'll take!! Also, they are older and interviewed prior to hosting and told it is an opportunity for an American vacation ONLY. No indication for adoption is ever made. We aren't allowed to even discuss it while they are here. BUT, they can be asked once they return if they would like to be adopted by the host family, or another family they meet while they are in the US if a family so chooses to ask.

Back to surprise reactions. Is it that uncommon for people to be helpful? I don't mean watching your neighbors cat or dropping your tithe or offering in the collection plate at church. I mean REALLY having a burning desire to make a difference. I realized today after our conversation how utterly surprised people are by generosity. Not just ours, I know lots of generous people. So I guess I don't see it as that uncommon. Is it? Carl says it is. He says people tell him he is generous to a fault. Is that possible? Why do people not want to step out of their comfort zones to make the world a better place? Comfort I guess? People do not blink at spending $40K on a car, it's actually a status symbol. But $35K to save 2 precious lives from a life of living hell. Well, now that's a different story!

Today I did elaborate a bit more than "Why wouldn't I?". I told her taking care of people is God's work, especially kids. I have no need to feel righteous, religious or justified. None at all. I really do just want to make the world a better place. It's not just going to magically become a better place. But some days all the negativity begins to get scary and I feel like maybe it won't ever be a better place and kids will always be left orphaned and there will always be wars and Love will not win. That scares me! I refuse to believe it! I will help one person at a time all by myself if I have to. But I refuse to believe I will have to do it all by myself I choose to believe that deep down people are good and eventually we will "get it" and some how salvation will take hold and hell will be defeated and we will leave our children and grandchildren a better world than we found.

I do not know how much good I can actually do, but I'll die trying.

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